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Experimental React: Using Suspense for data fetching LogRocket Blog

With Suspense, handling fetching errors works the same way as handling rendering errors — you can render an error boundary anywhere to “catch” errors in components below. As more data streams in, React will retry rendering, and each time it might be able to progress “deeper”. When resource.user is fetched, the component will render successfully and we’ll no longer need the Loading profile… Again, there’s no data yet, so this component also “suspends”. React skips over it too, and tries rendering other components in the tree. In this example, if tab gets changed from ‘photos’ to ‘comments’, but Comments suspends, the user will see a glimmer.

react suspense

Despite nearly four years of development since its first release, Suspense is still not ready for full-scale adoption across your application. Many implementation details needed for general Suspense use, like caching and server-side streaming support, are complex and not yet finalized. The React team is still actively expanding its behavior and exploring optimal uses. Okay, maybe it’s not the simplest React concept to understand after all, but hopefully Suspense’s inner workings are a little clearer now. You don’t necessarily need to understand what’s happening in the suspensify() function. Knowing where to use suspensify() and how to work with its value via read(), however, is important.

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This is where React.Suspense comes in handy, and displays a graceful loading state to the user. This is why code splitting JavaScript application is extremely useful. Waterfalls are common in code that fetches data on render. They’re possible to solve, but as the product grows, many people prefer to use a solution that guards against this problem. If you don’t use Relay today, you might have to wait before you can really try Suspense in your app.

When the resource finally loads, React will try to render the component again. It is important to note that Suspense is not a data fetching library like react-async, nor is it a way to manage state like Redux. It simply lets you render a fallback declaratively while a component is waiting for some asynchronous operation (i.e., a network request) to be completed. If it’s pending, then nothing is displayed at this time, it will cause a bad user experience. ⚡️ Now, here comes Suspense, which indicates what content should be displayed during the loading process.

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After the imports, we create a new component called App, which will act as the parent for the other components. Next, we have the return statement to render our JSX, and this is where we make use of the Suspense component. Right at the beginning, we have our React import, but notice that we also bring in Suspense, which, if you remember, lets our components wait for something before rendering.

Next, we create a new function called read, and inside this function, we have a switch statement that checks the value of the status variable. If the status of the promise is “pending,” we throw the suspender variable we just defined. And, finally, if it is anything other than the two (i.e., “success”), we return the response variable. WrapPromise.js is a wrapper that wraps over a Promise and provides a method that allows you to determine whether the data being returned from the Promise is ready to be read. If the Promise resolves, it returns the resolved data; if it rejects, it throws the error; and if it is still pending, it throws back the Promise.

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If you are a beginner or already have some programming experience, it will take you one to four weeks to completely master the basics.

For a concrete example, you can look at how Relay Suspense API enforces preloading. Our messaging about this hasn’t been very consistent in the past. Suspense for Data Fetching is still experimental, so you can expect our recommendations to change over time as we learn more from https://forexaggregator.com/ production usage and understand the problem space better. Even with await, asynchronous code is often error-prone. Suspense feels more like reading data synchronously — as if it were already loaded. This documentation is aimed at early adopters and people who are curious.

Solving Race Conditions with Suspense

When the loading is complete, Suspense will switch the fallback to the content of the Lazy component. In this section, we’ll create an error boundary component for handling errors in our components. The error boundary component will handle both rendering errors and errors from suspense data fetching.

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The code above will check the promise’s state, then return a function called read which we’ll invoke later in our component with fetchAllCatsData(). Recently, I tried to use Suspense and Axios to fetch some data and render components with React.lazy, created some examples that I would like to share in this article. If the module you want to import uses named exports, you can create an intermediate module that reexports it as the default. This ensures that tree shaking keeps working and that you don’t pull in unused components. The fallback prop accepts any React elements that you want to render while waiting for the component to load.

Approach 3: Render-as-You-Fetch (using Suspense)

Rom the above example, when the error occurred, instead of the whole app crashing, the error boundary fallback option of the component will be rendered. We import the data fetching components with dynamic imports. React Suspense for it only works with dynamic imports.

react suspense

As before, if the suspension takes longer than three seconds, the same Suspense boundary from before will be triggered… unless, as we’ll see later, there’s a Suspense boundary lower in the tree. When you call it, any state change you perform will happen in memory. If a suspension happens, isPending will become true, which you can use to display some sort of inline Top 11 Data Mining Techniques of 2022 loading indicator. React expects these imports to return a Promise that resolves to a module containing a component as its default export. Under the hood, React knows to treat this Promise as the cue for Suspense to fire and render the fallback component. Depending on the size of your application, such a pattern could be a great way to speed up the load times.

We wrapped each suspense component with an error boundary with JSX as the fallback option. In this section, we’ll create an error boundary fallback UI for our React app, this fallback UI will be rendered when an error occurs within our App component. From the piece of code above, we’re setting our suspense fallback option to the AppLoader component, the AppLoader component will be rendered until the App component is fully ready to be rendered.

When the Promise is thrown, will catch it, wait for it to resolve, then re-render the children. At that point, read() will be called again, but will return the resolved cat fact this time. We have successfully implemented a naive version of Suspense for data fetching, and you can see how it helps you orchestrate your app’s data fetching operations in a simple and predictable manner.

That problem is weak devices, and bad network connections. As engineers we want to make sure we provide the same fast, and reliable applications to all users. If an error has occurred in loading the cat avatar, the error message will display.

Is React better than NodeJS?

For example, if we are developing a scalable server-side application, we can use NodeJS. Using NodeJS online streaming platforms is always a good option. Whereas ReactJS is the best option if we want to create an application with changing states such as dynamic buttons, inputs, etc.

Rather than putting the content into the DOM, we throw it and everything between the nearest parent away. React waits for the whole subtree to be ready and then commits it at once. This has the added benefit of not triggering any useEffects within while suspends. Unlike , React doesn’t provide a first-party component — you’ll need to make one yourself or use a library like react-error-boundary.

  • Notice how there’s a “C++” label to the right of the search pane, with an option to remove it from the search query?
  • Doesn’t care, as long as it’s contained within a Promise.
  • We then go ahead to map over this array and render each to-do item.
  • As before, if the suspension takes longer than three seconds, the same Suspense boundary from before will be triggered… unless, as we’ll see later, there’s a Suspense boundary lower in the tree.
  • There is one important thing to note for data fetching library authors.
  • React.SuspenseList only works with the closest React.Suspense components.

While Concurrent Mode is still experimental, I hope this article has been able to highlight some of the nice benefits it will bring by the time it becomes stable. We’re installing parcel and parcel-bundler to help us transpile our code into something that the browser can understand. The reason I opted for Parcel instead of something like webpack is because it requires zero config and works really well. React.SuspenseList only works with the closest React.Suspense components.

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